I Wish I Had Watched This Before Part 2!
Afterall, seeing this sets up the appropriate mood for Part 2, and while it doesn't really facilitate my understanding anymore or less, it does add some more understanding to the main character's mindset. Particularly, like Part 2, I love the ideas presented; the monotony of everyday life, and the urge to rebell against it. When you consider that the girl (a hallucination) influences his decision to go to the forbidden floor...its just a very cool concept.
I like the music selection for this flash greatly; unlike Part 2, I thought it fit in perfectly. It was hectic and fast-paced, which I felt is how you were trying to display his generally life-style. Fast-paced with no time to enjoy life in general. As a matter of fact, after seeing Part 1, I have a greater understanding of what you were trying to achieve with Part 2. So the music in this flash fits your message personally.
However, the main problem is the main problem I found with Part 2, and unfortunately, its even worse here: the grammar. I understand that you're Brazillian, and that's completely cool. Hell, I can only speak English, so I can't complain too much, right? However, once you translate your series into English, why not just send it to a native speaker of English and have them proof-read it? I mean, evening putting the translation into Microsoft Word would reveal a lot of flaws. I don't want to seem like I'm beating the same bush over and over, but there are some points where I'm not really sure even what you're trying to say, because the grammar is that bad. Hell, I'll even check the grammar for you! Your flashes are so superb, I love them so much, that I hate to see them be dragged down by something like spelling and sentence structure!
Still, great flash. Personally, I like Part 2 better, but I think of the two the same way as I think of Kill Bill. Volume 2 was better than Volume one, but I really think of them as two parts of the same film. Put together, the Between story is excellent. You've made my favorite artist list.