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29 Game Reviews

8 w/ Responses


I'm giving you a seven because I like the concept and the execution, and I feel that marking you down too low because of my own frustrations isn't entirely fair. Nonetheless, I cannot figure this game out for the life of me. I barely passed the first level on sandbox mode (after some experimentation), but I don't understand what I'm supposed to do to make the bridge stay together. My suggestion? Expand the freakin' instructions, man! Maybe I suck at physics/architecture/etc., but the vague advice of "triangles work best" didn't help at all. Cause let me tell you, I made triangles. Oh, did I make triangles...maybe you could have a picture of a successful bridge, so that we have some models to work with? I dunno. But as it stands this game is too difficult for my feeble mind to figure out AND enjoy at the same time.

Decent start

First and foremost, my favorite thing about this game is the art style. The little transport boat looks completely badass, as does just about everything in this game, so if you retain anything from this little experiment in flash, keep the art. It's a winner.

That aside, as much as I want to like this game, I can help but feel that it is both boring and overly difficult. I really like the idea of having to attack and defend from both above and below the ship, but that's also what ruins the game. Its very difficult to handle a group of enemies, because you can only attack in one sphere at a time. What's more, given the slow fall of the boat's mines, you have to be relatively quick with timing, all the while avoiding the onslaught of bombs being thrown your way. Considering how big and clunky your ship is, that's not a particularly easy thing, especially since there's so many different ways to take damage. Not only can you get hurt from the u-boats mines and the planes/blimbs bombs, but you're also damaged by falling aircraft and your own ammunition (!). Does this make for a realistic game? Yes. But does it make for a fun game? Not really.

Here's a few suggestions. First, shrink the size of the boat. It's very too big and cumbersome for a game that's all about dodging and timing. Second, instead of clicking to attack, assign both the cannon and the mines a button on the keyboard. That way, you can fend off both aerial and seaworthy enemies at the same time. Finally, allow for an upgrade system; you know, increase the falling speed of mines, or the firing rate of the cannon, etc. Not only does that make for a better game, but it also gives you some reward for all your hard work.

Anyway, I really do like the game, its just suffering from a few design flaws. I look forward to seeing a Warfare Transporter 2, perhaps? Good luck, my friend.

As fun as typing can be...

I was actually enjoying this game at first; the graphics were nice, the concept was interesting (although not exactly new), and the upgrades were a nice addition. I also enjoyed the end-stage fights, although they certainly catch you off guard. The ninja wizard battle was a bit ridiculous, though; I could handle the long button input, but the part where you have to time the space bar to the slider...that was TOTALLY unexpected. I don't really have any suggestions on how to fix that, but figured I'd point it out.

The really aggravating thing was, for some odd reason, my health bar continuously decreased as I was playing...even though I killed every damn ninja on the screen. Trust me, man, if there's one thing I can do its type (wow, that's sad), and I destroyed those little douche bags. But randomly, for no apparent reason, the health bar would sink down. By the time I noticed it, it already cost $600+ to fix the temple, and when I failed to beat the damn wizard ninja, that was game over. So, maybe fix that...

Oh, another quick idea. It might be a good idea to have a different option for repairing your castle...shrine...whatever. If you really need some health, you have to pay for ALL of what you've lost, which may be more than you can afford. You should make it so you can buy small increments of health.

Anyway, that's all I got. Good game, and keep on truckin', soldier.

Nice start

I think you have the makings of what could be a really good game, but there's a lot lacking. First and foremost, I like the art style a lot, even though its rather undeveloped. Even though its basic, the little details (the "dripping" cloud and the lines trailing from most platforms) do make the game stand out somewhat from similar flash. That being said, you could definitely expand it a little bit.

Control wise...ugh. The little ball handles pretty bad, if you ask me. First of all, above all else, the wall jumping needs to be fixed. I like being able to hold onto the wall indefinitely, but I should just be able to tap the up arrow to jump again; holding up and letting go of the direction button isn't very intuitive, and most of my deaths were due to this. After that, the midair jump could use a little more umph; even with it, the moss drops like a rock. Which wouldn't be so bad if this was called "rock 2", buuuut its not.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I liked the game, and I think you'll produce some great flash and the future. Use this as a template for your next game, and I'm sure you'll be on the front page again. Good luck, compadre!


Well, seeing as this game has an average of 9.5/10, is currently #1 on the Top 50, and has almost 800 reviews, I'm sure you know that you got a lot of things right with this game. With that said, I'm gonna skip over the compliments and jump to the few criticisms I have. Just know that this is the best game on Newgrounds, for sure.

My biggest complaint is story-related; not necessarily the plot, but the game's background as a whole. For a game which is all about seeing things from the zombie's point of view...it doesn't do a very good job of putting you in a zombie's shoes. I don't have a very strict definition of zombie, either. The only way we know Sonny is a zombie is because 1) we're told so, and 2) he's green. No other characteristic displayed by Sonny (other than his reaction to the Devourers) could be considered "zombie-ish". Even if that weren't so, the story and the world itself don't seem to synch up either. Since when do zombies dress up in neo-SOLDIER outfits (FFVII, anyone?) with swords and guns, casting magical spells? And what zombie game features spirits? Samurai swords? Shamans? The only plot-related zombie element are the soldiers trying to kill you, but that just doesn't seem to be enough. My point is, half-way through Zone 2, I had completely forgotten that this was a zombie game.

Well, I had a second complaint, but I forgot it, so it can't have been too serious. Rock on, brotha'

Krinn responds:

Haha thanks!

The things you say about the story I agree with, although the point is that you're not supposed to FEEL like you're playing a Zombie. I'm just using this whole concept of being something 'bad', but from your own point of view, you seem completely normal. Anyways, storyline is on the fix list for the next game.

- Krin

Good, but not perfect.

First and foremost, awesome concept. I love the RPG elements, and the magic abilities were not only interesting, but saviors in my personal opinion. One of the things I hate about Breakout is that, once you get down to the last few blocks, it can be near impossible to hit the damn things. The spells gave me some more control over the ball, which made the game much less frustrating. Putting the emphasis on dodging attacks, rather than saving the ball, was a nice twist, but its also one of the programs. Mr. Devil is very bulky and not particularly fast. He also has the tendency to freeze up when more than one button is pressed at a time. Given how much damage each attack (or attacker) does, that just doesn't cut it. We need a faster demon, or at least a skinnier one. You could say that upgrading health counters this, but you'd be wrong. Each point gives you a meager 10 HP extra, and you don't have that many points to begin with. Since we're on the subject, does upgrading health seriously increase the regeneration rate? Because if it does, I sure didn't notice. A few more minor complaints: I can't remember the name of the skill, but the one that causes explosions randomly is DEMONIC. The explosion sends the ball flying at the exact same angle EVERY time, and if you're on a map with unbreakable blocks, that often prevents you from getting anything done. The boss idea was nice, and I really like the perks; an extra ball, upgraded to an MP-boosting ball (awesome idea there, btw), an extra upgrade points. Still, just having a giant block with extra health is a little...underwhelming. Since you already have angels attacking us, why not have a mobile boss? One that actually attacks, for that matter? Finally, throw us a bone, compadre; given the amount of upgrade paths we have, a few more points would be nice. You essentially have to decide what three things you're going to upgrade at the beginning of the game, which is unfortunate. Don't let all the criticism fool you, though; I really, really enjoy this game, and I think I've played it about 10 times now. The creativity, above all else, is superb. Still, I can't help but feel that this game could be surpassed immensely by a Noidzor 2...looking forward to it ;)

Pretty freakin' cool

Ultimately, I'd leave a much longer review, but I've got shit to do, homie, so I'll focus on some key things. First and foremost, I loved it. The majority of the flash was pretty epic, fit the music very well; the transistions to dragon from robot and to flock of birds from school of fish were particularly awesome. My only real complaint is the final transformation; after being in the ocean filled with whales and what not, and flying amongst giant dragons, and free-falling through the sky, and bouncing outside the atmosphere, finally we get to be: a leopard! Whoo! Seriously, that was very anticlimatic, and it wasn't the leopard so much as the scene itself. First of all, the robot is flying down, right? And then when he transforms into the leopard, he jumps OUT of the ground, meaning he's suddenly going up. And how'd he get underground? I really don't know. But when all of your other segments flow together as logically as possible, this made little sense. Also, the stiff control of the leopard and the kinda odd background (volcano and bats? wtf?) left me thinking the flash would have been much better if it ended after the clouds. Still, it was really good; I'm just wondering why the end seemed so much different from the rest of the flash.

Pretty damn fun

First off, I didn't really care about the lack of sound. When I'm online, I'm generally listening to music, so when I play a flash game the first thing I do is turn off the sound anyway. So, if you do add sound, the only thing I would ask is that you give us an option to disable it again!

Now for the game itself. It's very addicting, and we do have a lot of (rewarding) options. When you first upgrade a tazer to a decent level, and it starts going rapid-fire, or when you finally get your towers upgraded to combo-level; there's a lot of moments that make the time and energy worth it. As a matter of fact, I'll go so far as to say this: up until wave 100, this game is damn well perfect. Sure, it could use some additions; maybe the ability to build walls or add road in-game, or some new turrets. But there's already plenty of options, so I'm not going to be picky. The problem, though, is that difficulty spike starting at wave 101. I'm not saying make the game easy; but a more gradual transistion from "tough" to "holy shit, since when can they absorb damage" would be well appreciated. Plus, since you can no longer kill anything, you're no longer getting money, so by the time you realize "wait, this isn't working," its too late. To work that hard on a new strategy, time and time again, just to be beaten near the same exact point (time and time again) just isn't rewarding to me. Sure, you can use the blackhole, but no points and no money? What's the point (pardon the pun) in that? Perhaps if you made the upgrades cheaper, so we could get more towers earlier on, that would help too. Again, I'm not asking for an easy game, I'm asking for one that's a bit more forgiving (and thus a bit more fun). Ooh, hell, why not difficulty levels? Just brainstormin'.

Anyway, great game. I keep coming back to play it day after day, so you've definitely got the right track. I look forward to a, dare I say it, Onslaught 3?

Great, But Not Without Flaws

Its hard to say something negative about a game like this, and for two reasons. First, your major flaw is trying to tackle too much at once, and since that additional content is really for all of us too lazy to make our own damn game, it feels a bit petty. Second, its just hard to say something negative; its that damn good!

The fact of the matter is, almost everything about this game is better than the original. There's a shitload of firearms, four different melee weapons, a total of five rage powers, a wonderful slew of generous cheats, sleek graphics with suprisingly little lag, a rewarding adventure mode, AND a rewarding arcade mode. There's very little you don't give us in this game, although I will admit that when I first saw the tanks, I was a bit dissappointed I couldn't ride in it. But seriously, damn man! This is a game that rewards you for playing it, which would explain why I actually sat down and played the whole thing through. The style is perfect, and your little details here and there (I didn't even notice the money symbols until someone else pointed it out) really help to make it a visual experience, despite being stick figures. The sound was great, escpecially on level 3, although I didn't care for the menu music. Speaking of which, where are the credits for the music? Couldn't find em anywhere.

The problem I see is that you tried so hard to give us what we wanted that you opted for quantity over quality. The game really isn't very streamlined at all, which wouldn't be too bad in a lesser game, but when everything else is professional quality, I expected the gameplay to be just as good. It isn't. Fighting just isn't fun, man. I don't feel like using my gun, because the ammo costs too much and it doesn't cause even damage to make the money worth it. He whips out the gun too high, which makes it very difficult to hit certain enemies; anything below his head isn't going to get hit, which is a shame considering how tall the bastard is. He also sticks the gun so far out, and the guns can be so particularly long, that you just can't shoot someone if hes anywhere close to you. Why? Because the barrel is sticking past his body. The melee weapons are a nice touch, but other than wacking out a few extra coins and health balls, they don't do much to make fighting easier, escpecially since enemies can easily break through the attack and hit you (for a really large amount of damage, I might add). Other people have pointed out the problem with hit detection, so I won't expand on that, other than agreeing with them. The rage powers are nice, but the bar fills so slowly (and the attacks take so much out of the bar) that it isn't a reliable safety net either. The control scheme feels a bit jumbled; why you decided to wedge the shoot button in between two buttons that change weapons, I don't know, but what results is a system where you keep accidentally pressing the wrong button. Too many times, I'd go to shoot, and instead change my gun back to the starting (and useless) pistol, or I'd go to attack with my sword and through a grenade. You can get used to the controls, but it would help if they were more intuitive. Ooh, and one more little thing. The multitude of guns was nice, but since none of them are any different from each other, it didn't really matter. There wasn't any strategic use to the guns; finish a stage, get a new gun, and from then on out you use that gun (until the next gun, of course). In the end, you wind up using the flame gun, the grenade launcher, and the rocket launcher, and EVERYTHING else is just a nuiscense that you have to cycle through every now and then. Whats the point of multiple guns if over 75% become obsolete minutes after you get them?

Ultimately, this game is amazing, hence the 9/10 and 5/5 score I'm giving it. It definitely deserves the recognition its recieving, and I can tell you worked your ass off on it. But there is a lot of problems that can't be ignored. I won't cross my fingers for a Rage 2.5, but...I can always dream. Good luck, man.

Cosmoseth responds:

Holy shit, you just gave me some ideas for rage 3.


First and foremost, I played the entire game through, and I have a cable connection, so I'm not another kid whining because he can't wait long enough. While your method of informing might not have been as tactful as it could have been, I can understand your frustration; all that time and effort, just to recieve zeros because people don't have a brain.

What you did fairly well was create a sense of atmosphere. You had the right timing at the right time, which is why I continued to play through the game. It was intriging, I suppose, and so I felt compelled to continue; I wanted to see what happened. I think you have a natural knack for the genre, and if you keep working on it, I think you can produce some amazing stuff.

There were a lot of minor issues I had, but I'll focus on three. First and foremost, which you've already heard, there really isn't any originality here whatsoever. I mean, this IS Saw. I was hoping that at the end of the plot, there would be some sort of alternate motive for the killer, thus making this more than a Saw clone. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. The motive "because I want to" is pretty damn anticlimatic, man. The two things point and click games need to have (in my opinion) is plot and atmosphere. You've got the atmosphere, so work on plot a little.

The second thing was the voice acting. Someone said this very well in an earlier review; it sounds like someone trying to play D&D. I mean, we've all heard bad voice acting, but I'd prefer naturally bad to forced bad any day. The second the clown guy started talking in the beginning, I immediately thought, "wow, somebody was trying a BIT too hard." Just try and be a bit more natural.

Finally, the animations could use some work. The backgrounds were nice...but I'm willing to bet you didn't make them. And if you did, why make such great backgrounds, and then have shitty animations? The fireplace was pretty damn bad, all things considered, and the animations you used to be "scary," such as the zombie and the demon in the mirror, just weren't...scary. The key and the book obviously didn't fit in with the backgrounds either. Ultimately, it reminded me of someone taking a photo, and then drawing pictures on top of the photos with Paint. It didn't help the atmosphere at all.

Oh, actually, one more additonal thing. The game was pretty linear; there isn't many options or choices to add variety. Maybe work on that a bit.

Ultimately, however, I did enjoy it, and I look forward to future work. While you only get a 6/10, I am giving you a 5/5 to compensate for all the idiots who probably scored you a 0 just because they didn't wait for it to load. Good luck.

ramster83 responds:

Thanks for the great review- i love this sort of response which actually helps me to improve my work.

I only review. If you think "those who can, do, those who can't, review," go screw yourselves.



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